Sunday, November 23, 2008

Berlin's first winter snow...a dusting of magic!

A golden pink glow from clouds so low with snow gently falling.  It was a magical moment punctuated with thunder and lightning that seemed contradictory to the peace and beauty.  And the snow softly fell.  The snow falling with gentle swirls like a snow globe.   Enveloping us in luminosity.  2:00 in the morning and mother nature has cast a spell on the city and magic is at play.  Everyone is safe and everything is possible.  The roof tops stretching into the glow as if to see how far the magic reaches.

Our snow globe existence, with gentle snow swirls in a golden rose orb, where life is perfect and everyone feels the magic.  Neighbors are more friendly and the rosy-cheeked children all bundled can't stop smiling while trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues. 

Berlin is magical at this time of year.  The Christkindlmarkts or Christmas Markets are beautiful and everyone is in good spirits.  Homes are decorated and everyone is buying boughs, wreaths and branches saving the tree for last.  The magic of the season has arrived!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Sounds amazing - we need to see some pictures!